With a new era of interviewing here, please see the below our top tips for skype interview!
1. Know Where to Look
One of the most difficult things about a Zoom or Skype video conference call interview is knowing where to look. If you look at the person you are talking to then the camera doesn’t capture your eye contact for them. If you look into the camera then you don’t get to see the body language or facial reactions of the interviewer.
2. Set up a Professional Background
The goal of all interviewers is to find a reason to cut you from consideration. Don’t let what the interviewer sees in the background cause them to not see your skills and talents. If you will be doing the interview from your home office make sure the wall or bookshelf they will see behind you is decorated appropriately.
3. Dress for Success
The old adage dress for the job you want applies to video and Skype interviews too. Sure, no one will know if you are wearing pajama or yoga pants on the bottom. But we strongly encourage you to dress professionally during Zoom interviews the same as you would if you were meeting at someone’s office.
4. Ask the Interviewer These Questions
Just because you are the one being interviewed doesn’t mean you can’t ask questions too. Ask relevant questions to show the person conducting the interview that you took the time to do your pre-interview research. Part of an interview is to determine how well you would be able to work with each other and their existing team. Show the person on the other side of the camera your virtual conversation skills.
If you need anyfurther advice please do not hesitiate to contact one of our team today!